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RMETYC Events at the 2017 AMATYC Conference in San Diego

Research in Mathematics Education for Two-Year Colleges (RMETYC) Events at the 43rd AMATYC Conference in San Diego, CA November 9 – 12, 2...

Thursday, June 15, 2017

In the Spotlight - José María Menéndez

José María Menéndez

Mathematics Education Researcher
Pima Community College Mathematics Faculty Member

RMETYC is excited to present this spotlight on José María Menéndez and his groundbreaking research on culturally responsive mathematics teaching and learning. 

Please read the full spotlight of Menéndez in the MathAMATYC Educator Vol.8(3), May, 2017 issue.

José María Menéndez's research centers on the transformative nature of high-quality mathematics teaching and learning and the power of diverse classroom communities to promote social justice and open access to mathematics and higher education to underrepresented populations in STEM fields. Menéndez's inquiry has led him to engage with secondary students and families, pre-service and in-service teachers, and two-year college students in unique learning environments. His work sheds light on the ways teachers and students can learn together to build understandings of culture, perceptions of each other, and ways of knowing to challenge sociomathematical norms that can create barriers to learning. His work is powerful and speaks directly to the heart of teaching.

Full audio interview with José María Menéndez.
* This will link to an audio file hosted on Google Drive. 

Menéndez completed a postdoctoral scholar appointment at the Center for the Mathematics Education of Latinos/as at the University of Arizona (CEMELA) at the University of Arizona. 

Recommended Reading 

Felton-Koestler, M.D., Simic-Muller, K., & Menéndez, J. M. (Eds.). (2017). Reflecting the world: A guide to incorporating equity in mathematics education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Menéndez , J. M., & Civil, M. (2009). The role of cognition and affect on adults' participation in a nonformal setting for learning mathematics. In K. Stafford-Ramus (Ed.). Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of Adults Learning Mathematics - A Research Forum (pp. 147 - 164). Philadelphia, PA: Chestnut Hill College.

Menéndez, J. M., Kondek McLeman, L., Musanti, S.I., Trujillo, B., & Kahn, L. H. (2012). Adapting instruction for Latina/o students: A collaborative experience between teachers and researchers. In J. M. Bay-Williams (Ed.) Professional collaborations in mathematics teaching and learning: seeking success for all - 74th Yearbook (2012) (pp. 75 - 85). Reston, VA: NCTM. 

In the Spotlight is a feature of the MathAMATYC Educator that focuses on research that is being done in mathematics education on the first two years of college mathematics.